A Guerra Russo-Ucraniana e os discursos sobre o imperialismo da nova desordem mundial

Keywords: Rhetoric, Theory of Argumentation, Speech analysis, Russo-Ukrainian War


In 2022, we witness the Russian invasion of Ukraine, establishing a conflict of unprecedented proportions since the Second World War (1939-1945). Russian President Vladimir Putin justified the action as a measure against the advance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) towards Eastern Europe, an act considered as a manifestation of Western imperialism. NATO interpreted the Russian position as both imperialist and expansionist. In the context of numerous discordant discourses offering meanings to war, this article intends to examine how one of the discourses of the left – specifically that of the editorial of the electronic newspaper Esquerda Online – seeks to strive to persuade the reader of the harmful aspect of NATO and Russian imperialisms, while reinforcing an anti-imperialist and democratic leftist position in this new world order or disorder. To achieve these goals, rhetoric, argumentation theory and argumentative discourse analysis are used as a theoretical-conceptual framework


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Author Biography

João Adalberto Campato Jr, Universidade Brasil (UB), Brasil




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How to Cite
Campato Jr, J. A. (2022). A Guerra Russo-Ucraniana e os discursos sobre o imperialismo da nova desordem mundial. Revista Eletrônica De Estudos Integrados Em Discurso E Argumentação, 22(1), 82-102. https://doi.org/10.47369/eidea-22-1-3356