Present and future of the studies of Rhetoric, Argumentation and Discourse in Latin America

Keywords: Alejandra Vitale, Argentine, Rhetoric, Argumentation, Discourse


In this interview, we explore the academic career of María Alejandra Vitale, starting from topics about her education and construction of her university career, passing through her forceful participation in scientific societies of rhetoric, argumentation and discourse, until reaching her research projects developed in the University of Buenos Aires and the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion, from which issues of social importance were explained, such as the representation that the great national press made of the last Argentine dictatorships and the speech. of dictatorial repression in the reports of the censors made available in the secret archives of the Argentine police forces, which have recently been made public, as well as important theoretical results such as the notion of rhetorical-argumentative memory, the relationship between ethos and kairos, Among others, those of rhetoric, argumentation and discourse in and in Argentina and Latin America contributing strongly to studies.


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Author Biography

María Alejandra Vitale, Universidade de Buenos Aires
Professora Titular regular da Universidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina



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How to Cite
Vitale, M. A. (2021). Present and future of the studies of Rhetoric, Argumentation and Discourse in Latin America. Revista Eletrônica De Estudos Integrados Em Discurso E Argumentação, 21(3), 188 - 202.