Language teaching supported by argumentation and authorship

Palavras-chave: Discurso, Argumentação, Autoria, Literatura infantil


This work aims to analyze argumentation and authorship within texts written by students of elementary school following from the reading and debate of the book of children’s literature published by Ruth Rocha. This book was chosen due to the comic’s effect that circulates in it since we had the hypothesis that laughter in the literature can facilitate the assumption of authorship and the practice of argumentation in the school context. Considering the evidence marked in the language, the results show that the comic’ effect mobilized the production of meanings, and the subjects-students occupied the discursive position of author and practiced the argumentation. We observed that the texts produced by the subjects-students are interpretable (i.e., they are not copies of the literary text read), and, above all, there is argumentation on the way in which book’s characters “use” the language and how this “use” produces comic effects.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar
Pacífico, S. M. (2019). Language teaching supported by argumentation and authorship. Revista Eletrônica De Estudos Integrados Em Discurso E Argumentação, 19(2), 154-167.