Contributions from the New Rhetoric and Foucault’s thought to the teaching of argumentative discourse

Palavras-chave: Argumentative strategies, Teaching and learning process, Discursive procedures


This article draws on the argumentative scheme described by New Rhetoric (PERELMAN; OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, 1971 [1958]), reinterpreted by some notions analyzed by Foucault (1972), to propose criteria that can guide the teaching of argumentative discourse in basic education. Based on the interpretive methodology (ERICKSON, 1986), first, it discusses how rhetorical reasoning by connection and association impacts the composition of discourses in society. Second, it articulates discursive and rhetorical concepts to compose orientations that favor the development of teaching and learning processes aimed at the formation of subjects who can assume positions related to other positions in various social circumstances.


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Como Citar
Michelan de Azevedo, I. C. (2020). Contributions from the New Rhetoric and Foucault’s thought to the teaching of argumentative discourse. Revista Eletrônica De Estudos Integrados Em Discurso E Argumentação, 20(1), 118-136.