• Alfonso Gonzalez Damian Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Alma Rosa Macias Ramirez Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Maricarmen Sepulveda Alcazar Universidad de Quintan Roo
Palavras-chave: Tourism impacts, Perceived social exclusion, cruise tourism, island tourist destination, mixed methods, case study


Cozumel is an island that has been developed as a tourist destination and during the last 15 years tourism activity has been oriented to cruise tourism, which is the main driver of the island economy. Most of the cruise lines with operations in the Caribbean have arrivals to the island, and therefore it is a case that highly represents the way how community develops and integrates with the local action. Nevertheless there is evidence that, even though the rapid development and the international flow, cruise tourism brings little benefit to local communities in general and it might even promote social exclusion. The paper analyzes Cozumel residents’ perception about the way cruise tourism is a driver of social exclusion, understood from the conceptual frame developed by Levitas et. al. (2007) through a case study at Cozumel, Mexico, which was carried out using a two-stage mixed method design (quantitative and qualitative). Findings lead to confirm that, at least for the case study, cruise tourism produces the perception of an increase on the factors that drive social exclusion. Main findings and future research lines are presented.


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