CULTUR - Revista de Cultura e Turismo <p>A Cultur - Revista de Cultura e Turismo foi criada em 2007 com a missão de&nbsp; fomentar a produção científica e a disseminação de conhecimento multidisciplinar relacionados com Cultura, Lazer e Turismo, objetivando a troca de informações, a reflexão e o debate, provendo assim o desenvolvimento social.&nbsp;Atualmente, a periodicidade é semestral e as contribuições para publicação devem ter como&nbsp;tema central o turismo, sendo priorizados os trabalhos que tratem da interface com cultura, lazer e áreas afins.&nbsp;São priorizados os trabalhos oriundos de pós-graduação, sendo aceitos artigos em&nbsp;português, inglês e espanhol, que são publicados na língua que os trabalhos forem enviados.</p> pt-BR (Marco Aurélio Avila) (Editus) Wed, 22 May 2024 14:24:03 -0300 OJS 60 FAIRS AS CULTURAL MANIFESTATIONS <p>Fairs as events and, mainly, cultural expression permeate the daily lives of different societies and understanding their peculiarities in their respective territories proves to be a way of promoting their sustainability and resilience. Thus, the objective is to analyze fairs as cultural manifestations, through national scientific studies. To this end, a bibliometric study was carried out based on research carried out in the SPELL® electronic library searching for the term fair. Next, articles that dealt with fairs held in Minas Gerais, Brazil, were selected. This resulted in 15 articles that were treated through thematic categorical content analysis and then, with the support of Iramuteq, lexical analysis was carried out. Fairs, regardless of their type, have their particularities, which indicate expressions of local and regional culture, which is why they are important forms of cultural representation and impact tourism in a region. As possible contributions, studies like this can demonstrate gaps and potential of these aspects so that they can be further explored from an academic point of view, contributing to providing a basis for other studies. In addition, the construction and deepening of knowledge on this topic can contribute to its better understanding for the purposes of economic development and public policies to promote entrepreneurship. Thus, this study presents itself as an attempt to advance knowledge about how national academic studies on fairs are presented, as well as their interrelationships with culture (and perhaps, with cultural tourism), serving as a basis for future research. on the topic in a multi or multidisciplinary way.</p> Debora Regina Schneider Locatelli, Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 14 May 2024 14:16:52 -0300 STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF TOURISM COMPANY THROUGH OF THE SWOT MATRIX WITH PORTER DESIGN <p>This paper aims to analyze the competitive evolution of a medium-sized tourism company, located in Bento Gonçalves / Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, using the SWOT matrix as a tool in the years 2016 and 2017. Data analysis and treatment was carried out through a specific SWOT matrix methodology with Porter strategic design. The research was based on quantitative and exploratory methods by bibliographic and documentary search. As it was an exploratory study, it made final considerations without personal opinions and in an impartial way. Therefore, it is possible to verify the changes of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which allowed to perceive the competitive evolution of the company in general.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> José Elmar Feger, Arno Paulo Schmitz, Ana Paula Soliman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 14 May 2024 14:10:33 -0300 TURISMO E RESILIÊNCIA EM PANORAMA PÓS-PANDÊMICO <p>Tourism, as a facet of the services sector, was one of the activities most impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. As a result, tourism hospitality professionals experienced, above all, psychosocial and financial consequences. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the adaptation strategies of RN Tourism Guides in a scenario of changes and uncertainties post-COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the research is characterized as descriptive, exploratory, interpretative and reflective, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The tour guides selected were professionals who work in the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, given that the capital of Rio Grande do Norte is considered one of the main welcoming destinations in the country. In addition to the performance criteria, unionized guides with professional experience were considered for the survey, thus totaling 56 professionals. As a central result, it was observed that the main strategies in the face of the effects driven by the pandemic, highlighting the reduction in tourist demand, financial setback, change in consumer behavior, immediate adaptation to biosafety protocols and new technologies, were the following: adoption of biosecurity measures, guided by local health surveillance; operationalization of personalized itineraries (including natural resources, aspects of local culture, aimed essentially at senior citizens and people with families); use of new technologies to disseminate and sell services; and flexibility regarding rescheduling and canceling tourist programs. Such achievements follow the trends, suggested by SEBRAE (2020) and MTUR (2022), for the tourism sector in the post-pandemic scenario.</p> Amanda Mirely Cipriano, Ana Roque Chistina, Marcelo Silva Taveira, Mauro Oliveira Lemuel ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 14 May 2024 14:15:53 -0300 POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS PARA A PROMOÇÃO DO TURISMO E DA CULTURA DO BUMBA MEU BOI <p>The discourse maintained regarding public policies in Brazil is well advanced in time, however it is still possible to detect several gaps and obstacles in its implementation and development process. We know that public policies involve more than one decision and require several planning moves selected to implement decision-making. In the opinion of most municipal managers, in Brazil it is only possible to implement public policies for tourism in coastal regions, historic centers, archaeological sites and large cultural spaces. The objective of this work is to point out the perceptual bottlenecks in the construction of tourism in the city of Timon in Maranhão, a space that contains an abundance of resorts in its surroundings and a latent and resistant culture of cultural groups from Bumba Meu Boi, in preserving the identity of the fun, which is the state's identity, and remain active as players and games. The lack of interest of public managers in promoting tourism (cultural and leisure) present in the city of Timon-MA is evident as a problem. The notes point to a lack of technical preparation, accumulation of functions and lack of knowledge of the tourist economic potential, as well as the appreciation of local culture and natural resources for the municipality and its residents. The analysis shows that there are still few studies aimed at this discussion in the study region, as are the actions that establish and maintain local tourism and valorization of culture.</p> Antônio Jorlan Soares de Abreu, André Riani Costa Perinotto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 14 May 2024 14:12:27 -0300